Celebrity caricature: Martin Freeman
Hello, after a restful Christmas break I am back with a new edition of celebrity caricature! Today I bring you Bilbo Baggins aka John Watson aka Arthur Dent aka Tim from The Office, Martin Freeman.
Some interesting tidbits about Martin Freeman as told to me by my husband who is up on these cultural fads: apparently China is crazy about Sherlock (BBC’s most recent tv series), and the translation of Watson is pronounced “hua-sheng” which coincidentally is the same pronunciation as the Chinese word for peanut. So, without delay here’s our famous peanut for your viewing pleasure…
This celebrity caricature was done using Procreate on the iPad with a Wacom Intuos Creative stylus.
Ps. If you like this one, perhaps I may suggest you check out my Benedict Cumberbatch celebrity caricature next?
If you’re interested in your own caricature for a party or a gift, visit my sister website here: sarahdrawsacrowd.com.